Nameless Elegy Details

Nameless Elegy is quite complex, and there are 25 tracks in all. It starts and ends with the same theme, a theme that is used in various shapes during all of the piece.
I use a number of guitars for the analog guitar tracks, and they are played quite differently. Everything that sounds like a guitar before the first breakdown is played on electric cello. After this breakdown, most solos are guitars, some el. cello. Octave solo is played on a Keiper, Gibson style with 0.46 jazz strings tuned down to C. There is a long solo where I use an E-bow, should be easy to recognize. Drums are, for the breakdown episodes, two complete sets, spaced left and right, EZ drummer and Groove Agent. When drums are in the middle, it's EZ Drummer. There are also a couple of percussion tracks, made with Emulator X2 and Groove Agent.
Sample tracks include live recordings of drums and a heavy branch-chopping machine, the last big slam is from a container dropped on a truck. All samples/recordings are recorded by me.
There are 7 analog tracks, 5 melody/harmony tracks, 5 bass tracks, bass bottom tracks and the before mentioned drums and analog effects track. This piece is hard on your stereo equipment, lots of power down to 20 Hz and much dynamic variation.
Image: Layered; Yamaha 5 string Bass and rock photo.